A Note from Dr. Rick Lance
Dear Alabama Baptist friend,
Thank you for prayerfully considering the role of Cooperative Program Ambassador.
No doubt, you have a passion for your Alabama Baptist congregation to reach people for Christ and minister in your local context.
As a CP ambassador, you will have the opportunity to help your church see many ways it can truly be on mission with the Great Commission well beyond your own community.
I strongly believe that the Acts 1:8 mandate is not sequential but simultaneous. We are to be going into all the world, all the time, at the same time.

Through the Cooperative Program, Alabama Baptists support missions and ministries in Alabama, North America, and around the world through the ministries of three mission boards:
• the International Mission Board with missionaries serving around the world.
• the North American Mission Board with church planters deployed across the U.S. and Canada to key urban areas and beyond.
• the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions. Like international missionaries who serve on the basis of a country or a region, our state missionaries labor in Great Commission Ministries alongside local Baptist associations and churches in Alabama.
In your service as a CP ambassador, you will be a valued partner with us in reaching our state and the world for Christ.
I pray that our Lord will open doors within your local congregation for sharing about the Cooperative Program which the Lord has blessed for almost a century as Southern Baptists seek to obey the Great Commission and to reach the world with the Gospel. In Christ alone is the promise of eternal salvation for those who trust Him as Savior and Lord.
Rick Lance
Psalm 100
Getting Started: Cooperative Program Ambassador
- Begin familiarizing yourself with the CP Ambassador material provided here.
- Talk with your pastor about your interest in becoming an ambassador for the Cooperative Program.
- Call or email the office of Cooperative Program & Church Financial Resources so we can have a record of those in our state who are our CP Ambassadors.
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: Toll-free (800) 254-1225 or Direct (334) 613-2304
- Pray daily for the missions & ministries supported by Cooperative Program giving
- Be a resource for CP to your church and association leadership