10 Thoughts About the CP
1. Stays true to the original vision. The Cooperative Program is an agreement among churches, state conventions and the Southern Baptist Convention to cooperate to
1. Stays true to the original vision. The Cooperative Program is an agreement among churches, state conventions and the Southern Baptist Convention to cooperate to
1. Not using the Church Retirement Plan through GuideStone. GuideStone does a very good job with our money. Their investments are competitive with secular companies.
It was a beautiful late spring day in north Alabama, and I was taking my then four-year-old son fishing with me. He and I would
Indeed, You have made my days as handbreadths, And my age is as nothing before You; Certainly every man at his best state is but
The Cooperative Program (CP) is much more than money or a funding strategy. True, it has been Southern Baptist’s main strategy for nearly 100 years
Major is an 11-year-old boy who listens to the needs of a lost world and begins to despair. “What could I possibly do that would
“On the line!” Those words struck fear in me when I was in high school playing basketball. The last part of practice – conditioning –
“Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while” –Mark 6:31 (NKJV). There’s a story that’s made the rounds through the years among
I am often drawn to Paul’s words in Philippians 1:3-5 (NKJV): “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of