Actual 2023 Percentages:
- SBC Mission and Ministries 50%
- Alabama Baptist Missions and Ministries 50%
Your church’s gifts through the Cooperative Program are distributed according to this formula as approved by the messengers at the Alabama Baptist Convention.
For a detailed accounting of where your church’s 2023 gifts were put to work, email Beth Edfeldt at [email protected].
For a copy of the Cooperative Program Budget, call Beth Edfeldt at 334-613-2304 or email [email protected].
2023 Gifts were distributed as follows:
- Cooperative Program (CP) allocation 50% to the **Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions (SBOM): $19,190,443
- Cooperative Program (CP) allocation 50% to the **Southern Baptist Convention (SBC): $19,190,443
Snapshot of Giving from Alabama Baptists in 2023
- Cooperative Program Receipts: $38,380,886
- Myers-Mallory Receipts: $1,621,475
- Total Receipts: $64,827,876 (CP giving + Designated Offerings)
- Total gifts to ALSBOM: $25,848,311 (CP giving + Myers-Mallory + Other Designated Offerings)
- Total gifts to SBC: $38,979,564
- Total gifts to IMB: $22,336,162 (CP giving + Lottie Moon and other Designated Offerings)
- Total gifts to NAMB: $11,226,026 (CP giving + Annie Armstrong and other Designated Offerings)
Cooperative Program Giving Highlights:
We are grateful to God for the faithfulness of Alabama Baptists in their missions giving. This has been the case since 1925, which marked the beginning of the Cooperative Program (CP). For almost a century, Alabama Baptists have given systematically and faithfully through the CP toward fulfilling the Great Commission. In that span, Alabama Baptists have collectively given over $1.5 BILLION toward fulfilling the Great Commission. Praise the LORD!
As in years past, the amount of CP money given was divided equally (50/50) between the SBC and the Alabama Baptist Convention. We have continued to hold to the idea that we have one mission – the Great Commission, one program – the Cooperative Program, and many ministries – Great Commission Ministries. This strategy is evident in our giving numbers, which reveals our passion for supporting missions globally and locally.
Annie Armstrong
Lottie Moon
IMB Designated
NAMB Designated
Portion of CP
SBC Total
Alabama Baptist churches gave a total of $64,827,876.49 through the State Board of Missions (SBOM) in 2023. Of that amount $38,979,564.94 was forwarded to the SBC, which represents the SBC’s portion of the Cooperative Program (50% of receipts) plus designated gifts. The IMB received over $22 million in missions giving and NAMB received over $11 million!
Once again, Alabama Baptists have set the pace in the SBC for missions giving, as we led all state conventions in CP giving.
For 2024, the CP percentage being forwarded from Alabama to the SBC will continue to be a true 50/50 split of our $37,000,000 budget for the year.
While we are not the largest state convention in terms of the number of people, Alabama Baptists have continued to make missions giving a priority. We pray for God’s continued blessings on the Kingdom work being done throughout Alabama and the world through our cooperation and partnerships with Alabama Baptists and the greater Southern Baptist Convention.