Southern Baptists' unified plan of giving.
Southern Baptist churches give a percentage of their undesignated receipts in support of the missions and ministries of both the Alabama Baptist State Convention (SBOM) and the Southern Baptist Convention (IMB, NAMB)
Happy Birthday Cooperative Program!
Click the button below for resources to help your church celebrate the 100th birthday of the Cooperative Program this year and in the years to come!
We can do more together than alone.
Download the 2025 CP Prayer Calendar
Alabama Baptists' gifts through the Cooperative Program
Missions supported by your gifts through the Cooperative Program
2023 Gifts Distributions

(55.41% of SBC portion of CP dollars)

(22.79% of the SBC portion CP dollars)
These figures represent the total amount of gifts faithfully and generously given from Alabama Baptists through the Cooperative Program. Cooperative Program offerings are distributed 50% to Alabama Baptist missions and ministries and 50% to Southern Baptist Convention missions and ministries. Our budget year runs from January – December each year. Final numbers are typically published in March, after our annual audit.